Are You Highly Sensitive

Is sensitivity impacting and controlling you or your family?

Are you experiencing chaos, stress, overwhelm, anxiety, hopelessness?

On a bad day, even small challenges feel like big traumas.
It’s time for radical self-care!


Wondering if you are highly sensitive?

There are 1.5 billion highly sensitive people on the planet.


If you find you are highly sensitive, or your child is, you are definitely not alone.
Sometimes it feels that way when you are different.


Well... community with other HSPs, people like you, is the key to resilience and thriving.

Looking to be a part of a community of highly sensitive people?


Join the Monthly Membership Community specifically

for Highly Sensitive People hosted by Alane Freund, ICHS.


As a part of the Are You Highly Sensitive Community, you will receive access to Alane's entire library of masterclasses with live Q&A each month. You'll get tips, resources, and connections.

Join the Are You Highly Sensitive community today and also receive:

  • Free access to the entire library of masterclass recordings
  • Live Q&A every month
  • Access to the Are You Highly Sensitive online forum with other members
  • Free access to mini-courses
  • Priority registration for all of Alane's retreats and events
  • One Question Calls - brief consultation at discounted rate for members only
  • 15% off private consultations or therapy appointments with Alane
  • Jump to the top of Alane's waiting lists, including consultation appointments

The Struggle is Real for Us when We Are Highly Sensitive People

Maybe you’ve noticed that you or your sensitive family member is NOT FUN on NOT ENOUGH SLEEP.

Highly sensitive adults and youth are more sensitive to blood sugar fluctuations. We need a very balanced diet with almost no caffeine or sugar.

Once HSPs get run down or stressed out, we are more likely to become ill or injured. However...

Your Sensitivity is Your Superpower!

You think deeply about things.

You come up with solutions to problems big and small.

You appreciate beauty and feel exquisite empathy for others, including animals and the planet.

HSPs need plenty of fresh air, exercise, sleep, nutritious frequent meals, and DOWN TIME.

When you get too stressed out or anxious or overwhelmed, you can’t find your own answers.

Too Much – Too Overwhelmed – Too Perfectionist



Your Sensitivity is your Superpower!
Ready to join our community?

Community is important and so is learning about high sensitivity. 

Research has identified the HSP 5 to Thrive. Curious?

Here's a little video from Alane about the Five to Thrive.

Enter your information below to instantly play the video and learn to thrive.


2 Strategies in Over 100 Species

There are two strategies for how people (and animals) behave in the world (research by Wolf et al, 2009):

Do it right and do it once.
 Responsive, reflective, reactive, sensitive


Go for it; if wrong, go for it again.

Nonresponsive, impulsive, low reactivity, non-sensitive

HSPs, or highly sensitive people, are the first group.

We are careful and deliberate about our actions.

We can advise the more impulsive majority and guide the community or the culture to wise action. AND guess what?

All that crying or worrying… it’s called EMOTIONAL LEADERSHIP.

HSPs are also canaries. When the sensitive child is becoming overtired or overstimulated, it’s likely true that the rest of the children in the family or classroom will soon follow.

More time, more sleep, more time in nature, more frequent healthy meals, all of these things that help sensitive children thrive are actually good for all people.

At Are You Highly Sensitive, we create community and education to help HSPs embrace sensitive leadership.


$37.00 per month

Join us today. Your subscription will automatically renew each month, and you may cancel it at any time. We do not offer refunds for unused subscriptions. We will not sell or share your information with anyone. More questions?[email protected].

Become a member today:


"Thank you very much for letting me be part of the group. It helps me a lot listening to people and you.  It is all starting to make sense."

- D. Chong

"Alane has been such an inspiration and friendly guide during the journey that helped me discover my HSP trait. Her continuous work will hopefully help many generations of HSP to thrive."

- V. Parker

"I really enjoy working with Alane Freund. She is so approachable and easy to talk to, plus she is highly knowledgeable about Highly Sensitive People. I have learned so much from her workshops. She makes me feel known and far less alien than I tend to feel in a world full of people who are not sensitive and don't get HSPs. "

- S. Smith
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That’s me, Alane Freund, MS, MA, ICHS. While I have been working as a family therapist and counselor in California for three decades, this membership goes beyond psychotherapy--it's about community, education, and tools for thriving. I will be here as your consultant and coach, maybe sometimes as your auntie or sister.

I am one of the International Consultants on High Sensitivity (ICHS), a select group of professionals identified by Dr. Elaine Aron. ICHS professionals are clinicians and scientists who teach, write, and research the trait of highly sensitive people and are current on the latest scientific research. My mission is to reach all HSPs in the world with accurate information and genuine support. Thank you for joining me.


Are You Highly Sensitive Membership

Monthly Membership



Monthly Membership



Monthly Membership



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