Good Kids Tough Choices:
Raising Kids with Ethics

Be a good citizen. Honest Abe Lincoln. The Golden Rule.


How do we teach our good kids to navigate increasingly tough choices, especially in the digital age?

An ethics researcher, Dr. Kidder answered the requests of hundreds of parents, expanded his research to the children, and put forth a book full of guidance. The book is transformational because it is a lovely melding of teaching stories and practical tools. It has been a favorite parenting resource of mine for years.

Whether you are raising an infant, young child, tween, teen, or even young adult, our summer reading book, Good Kids Tough Choices, will guide your parenting and prepare you for the sticky places.

  • Do you have any behavioral concerns about your children?
  • Are screens or video games an issue or worry in your home?
  • Will your child be (or is your child) a part of any text groups?
  • Is it important to you to raise a good citizen? (Remember that term?)
  • Does your child know how to "do the right thing?"
  • Can your child identify personal integrity and act with it?
  • Does your child recognize childish manipulators and know what to do about them?

In today’s world, parents are often on their own when it comes to teaching ethics. What was once implicit in child rearing now must become explicit. If you were raised with strong personal ethics and integrity, you probably don’t even remember specific lessons from your parents or grandparents. It was just how we lived.

Sadly, that is no longer how the world works.


Maybe you think ethics are being taught at the school.

To some extent, this is true, but like grammar and history, it is just a small planted seed. It needs watering, weed-pulling, sunshine, and protection from the gophers. The school might plant a seed now and then, but our society and your child’s peers are planting lots of weeds. It is up to today’s parents to plant more seeds than weeds. 

We hope you will be intrigued enough to pick up the book and join our book club.

Here's how it works: Parents will meet online every other week and discuss the lessons, the trials and tribulations, and the triumphs as they implement the lessons. But, it's more than a book club - it's also an online course with live meetings every other week. Taught and guided by Alane Freund, long-time family therapist and parent of a spirited, sensitive young man, this biweekly bookclub will give you the support and knowledge you need to plant those ethics and integrity seeds in a more intentional manner. It’s your job, and you have all the tools you need. Now you will know how to use your tools. 

Do you need your village - a community of parents who share your values for raising ethical kids? This book club includes 5 informal discussions where we will make those connections with parents who have all different ages of children.


5 meetings with parents who share your values. Facilitated by a family therapist. Online course with book highlights.

What is it worth to you?

$30/week? $100 for the series? Well, the first meeting is free if you aren't ready to commit to the five session book club. As always, we have sustainable economy pricing, and no one turned away for lack of funds. Click here to see the fees and register.

However, it's best to pay as much as you possibly can because that will make you participate more wholeheartedly!

While charging you helps us keep the AYHS lights on, it's really about your commitment to yourself and your family, so pay as much as you can. Register here.

(AYHS members may have 50% off of this course as long as it won't make you less committed to you.)

Not quite ready to commit? Try the first session for free. Click here.

Schedule: Alternate Thursdays at 9am Pacific | Noon Eastern

The Book Club will be recorded so that if you have to miss a session, you will still be able to access it.

What will you discover at the Raising Ethical Kids book club?

  • 5 online meetings (55 min. each time.)
  • Teachable tools for your family
  • Parent community with shared values
  • Led by experienced family therapist
  • Q&A every meeting

Questions? Email us at [email protected]