
Hi HSP, Welcome to my hub for all things about thriving as a sensitive person or youth.

Do you often find yourself feeling rushed? I used run 20 minutesĀ lateĀ almost everywhere. Thanks to this great tool, (which I worked out with my own therapist about 15 years ago) I now run early, andĀ lateĀ looks like on time.

Enter your information below to play my video about a scheduling hack for sensitive brains.

I look forward to supporting you in lots of ways.

Here is myĀ websiteĀ where I have written lots of good sound bytes for HSPs and parents of sensitive youth.

If you would like, please check out myĀ blogĀ andĀ events. I think you might also enjoy myĀ HSP FAQ.

After you watch the video, if you are interested in finding out more about my Are You Highly Sensitive community, you will see the link to read all about it.

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