Do you wish you had better physical health? Think you are too busy, too out of shape, too fit, too old, too injured? You are NOT TOO much of anything to be healthier and this book club makes health, social connection, and personal growth accessible to ALL.
JOIN NOWDo you need some accountability to love yourself, to take care of you, to step out of the mundane routine of life?
We will be reading and discussing the phenomenal book, Built to Move, by Kelly and Juliet Starrett, which you can purchase here or get from your library. You could even download the audio book - the authors read it, and it's awesome. In this five session book club (every other week), we will unpack 10 life-changing but simple health practices. Each meeting we will study two chapters (from the book) and experiment with taking action.

Do you need more support with your physical health and well-being?
Geared toward working professionals, busy parents, sensitive youth, and HSPs who are committed to living better and thriving in life, Alane invites you to join Are You Highly Sensitive and change your life. This will be her fifth reading (and listen) of this book (the audiobook is very nice, though it doesn't have the lists and diagrams that the print book has.)
Do you need more social contact and wish you knew more HSPs who care about living their best lives? This book club is an informal discussion where we will make those connections.
If you are ready to commit 10 weeks to your well-being, jump on board. What is it worth to you?
$30/week? $100 for the series? Well, the first meeting is free if you aren't ready to commit to your Self for the whole series. As always, we have sustainable economy pricing, and no one turned away for lack of funds. Click here to see the fees and register.
However, it's best to pay as much as you possibly can because that will make you participate more wholeheartedly!
While charging you helps us keep the AYHS lights on, it's really about your commitment to yourself, so pay as much as you can. Register here.
(AYHS members may have 50% off of this course as long as it won't make you less committed to you.)
Not quite ready to commit? Try the first session for free. Click here.
Schedule: Alternate Thursdays at 9am Pacific | Noon Eastern | Starts on September 12th.
The Book Club will be recorded so that if you have to miss a session, you will still be able to access it.
What will you discover at the Built to Move Book Club?
- 1 book studied: "Built to Move" by Juliet and Kelly Starrett
- 5 online meetings
- 55 minutes each time
- 10 well-being practices that YOU CAN do now
- An enthusiastic & reluctant group of HSPs :-)
- Your one precious life changed for the better
- Several new friends who share your love for the good sensitive life.
Questions? Email us at [email protected]