$66.00 USD

Sensitive Families and School Transitions

Everywhere I turn I hear from parents and youth about the overwhelm of being back in school. Classrooms feel chaotic to the sensitive families, parents and youth are confused about expectations, and already colds are making the rounds.
When you have younger sensitive kids, you have much more of a role in this long transition. How long you may ask? Well, most families I work with find it takes a semester! What? No…YES! Maybe by winter break, your kids will feel settled back in school–Maybe. ICK.
You can help. You can ease the transition by modeling, structuring, restructuring, and advocating. In this masterclass, we explored what can work.

Maybe you remember a year in your youth of schooling that just seemed to go smoothly right from the start, Do you? What was it about that year? The teacher, the classroom, the weather, the peer group, your age, your home life?

Well, parents, home life is something you do have the power to control. You can also impact the classroom and the teacher. You can help the peer relationships. I talked about how (and you can share your own ideas in the comments section.)