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Are You Highly Sensitive: Spiritual Health is the key to Mental Health

What does spirituality mean to you as highly sensitive people? To me it means honoring my inner life and having faith in a greater purpose.

My highly sensitive community, spiritual health is the key to mental health. We are the minority of humans who were born to go deep and have complex and rich inner lives (Elaine Aron, 2021)

We must attend to our spiritual health in order to live our best lives, especially when the world is in chaos. And, you may have noticed that chaos is ever-present these days, at least if you are highly sensitive.

Spiritual practice is one of the most important keys to designing a life compatible with the brain and nervous system of a highly sensitive person. It can look like anything you can imagine, but it is not optional for thriving as an HSP.

Are you finding enough sanctuary in your life? What does it look like? Is it the proverbial shaman’s hut Alane always recommends? Or maybe it’s time away and by yourself. Sanctuary can even be found in a hug with a loved one or a furry family member.