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HSPs and Health - Are You Highly Sensitive

One of the Top Requested Topics for Highly Sensitive People.

Are HSPs more prone to illness?
Do HSPs experience pain differently or more?
How do HSPs respond to medication?
Can HSPs use holistic health care methods?


What is the best way for HSPs to interact with health care providers?
Join Are You Highly Sensitive for this masterclass plus Q&A on an oft requested topic! Please check out Elaine Aron’s recent blog on the subject here to prepare for the class.

Questions discussed:

1. I have multiple chronic illnesses.  Navigating health care systems (doctors, insurance, etc. ) is practically another job.  Health coping mechanisms like spiritual practice, meditation practice, 5 to thrive, and good sleep, nutrition, and exercise are so important and have been helpful to me - but they take a lot of time.   I’m having a hard time creating time to manage my job (which I need to make money and is already “reduced schedule” and remote), manage my chronic illnesses, and do self-care.  I'd love to get advice on how to thrive as disabled HSP in a capitalist society that was not designed for me to thrive.  How do people navigate chronic illness make money to sustain healthcare and selfcare?  How do people with chronic illness have time to make money and to manage everything else?  I read the homework article Elaine Aron's "Are Highly Sensitive People More Prone to Illness," and think that the advice of "Change jobs if you have to. Hire help" assumes enough monetary resources to have the flexibility to do so. 

2. An observation that may pertain to others.  I tend to push myself beyond my limits, ignoring warning signs for opportunities for self care. In my case this may be a pattern I’m duplicating from witnessing my mother struggling and neglecting herself with overwhelming responsibilities in a failing marriage and raising children without my father’s help. I’m healing childhood trauma and curious if my trauma conditioning causes me to ignore my sensitivities and tolerate the adversity they cause, for the sake of doing whatever it takes to complete the tasks at hand, the way Mom did. 

3. Do you have any experience with HSC teens who sometimes self-harm (hurt their body on purpose)?