$50.00 USD

Parenting Sensitive Youth: Parenting With and Without Structure

Families are moving into the winter holidays with school vacations in mid-December. Everything about parenting changes dramatically now, and sometimes change is challenging for sensitive children and teens.

Structure is the key to thriving for highly sensitive people (not just the kids) so we have to plan to parent in a new way for the holiday period.

Freedom from our intense school and activity schedules gives us all a deep breath of fresh air and time to relax into creativity, play, and rest...deep rest.

But, the primary caregivers (parents) may find themselves exhausted, overwhelmed, and feeling out of control. Where is our deep rest? It comes from creating structure for the unstructured.

"HOW??", parents of sensitive kids cry out. Please join this workshop, and we'll problem solve, creating strategies to help the unstructured time run like a well-oiled family machine. The systems we create will carry over into the new year, making life so much easier.

I've been there and helped families for over three decades, even before I was raising my own highly sensitive, highly intense, highly active, spirited child. It is my passion and mission to support your families.