$66.00 USD

Summer - Structure - Screens: Parenting Sensitive Youth

Addiction. Algorithm. Advertising. AI.  And, yes, Tracking. Adults can't withstand the manipulation and we become lost in our apps, emails, and screens in general. How are youth supposed to navigate it?

WITH their PARENTS, not alone.

Our annual get ready for summer masterclass turned into a class on navigating overwhelm in the modern age of internet driven devices.

Questions discussed:


  1. Seeking advice for my 27 year old highly sensitive daughter and also for me on how to mentor her through a challenge with screens and technology. She works in a 100% remote job that's 100% in front of screens. I can see that her current way of life is wearing on her. The question / ask: I would love to hear some suggestions on what she can do in the 1) short term, e.g., some small effort, big impact things, that don't add too much more to her long list of to do's, and then 2) in the long-term. [Adding a comment for Question #1: I don’t have a child old enough for that problem, but I have a similar challenge as an adult myself!]
  2. Can you remind me of the non-mobile phone timer you’ve previously recommended?  I can’t find the link to it. Also, if there’s any other low costways (with minimal environmental impact) to decrease phone usage please share! 
  3. I have been here before, asking about screens and my eight-year-old HS son…the struggle around limiting the screen time and the suggestion to take a break and stop screen time if the pleading, negotiating, and challenge with stopping the screen was taking over. For reference, we used to do about 40 minutes one day a weekend or about two shows (mostly PBS or other types of show). We have mostly taken a break at home since the holiday time, minus a couple days of illness and my needing to work and screen time at Grandma’s house. The whining, the pleading, the “why are we so different from everyone else?”... the amount of time I take holding up the boundary of a break from screen time is absolutely wearing me out. I recall your colleague, Annet, saying once that if your kids are pushing and pushing a boundary, maybe it is too firm… I could use another perspective because if it isn’t this, it is the lack of ice cream, too many vegetables and not enough sweets, no gifts outside of birthdays and holidays, staying up late. I feel like I can only use the, “I am the parent/coach whose job it is to look out for your wellbeing and good health” so many more times. And lastly, I do see the difference in my son, who as a consequence, spends much more time creating and getting involved in play-type activities instead of the screen.