$66.00 USD

Introvert Isn't Shy and Sensitive Isn't Weak

“I’m all for introverted kids, I was one, but I get so many comments about it from my mom.” -Frustrated Mom.

This masterclass is coming to you at the request of parents in our community. These are some of the issues we will address:

  • The anxiety about putting themselves out there, looking adults in the eye when talking, not doing things that are hard or scary.
  • My son is so spacy, and it's not ADHD, he just is thinking so much in his head that he doesn't notice what's around him. I know nothing is wrong with my spacey son, but it’s causing issues with other adults. 
  • My daughter has one friend right now. Granted she plays sports and is fine with those girls but doesn’t really hang with them or talk to them during the games.
  • Both my kids would rather stay home than go meet new friends or go out and try something new.

At this point in the year, I also like to touch on graduation and summer. The loss of structure and the gain of ….? Freedom, free time, pressure, camps, next steps, friends, extended family, vacations. bring the topics (or email them to us) and we’ll bring the conversation.